Altrimex After Sales

Consisting of a technical back-office & field service. For installation, failure interventions, maintenance and training of your operators.

Call our after sales
Control box of a packaging machine

Altrimex after sales logo transparant

Introduction to our After Sales department begins with the installation of the machine(s). Our technicians take care of the construction, training and easy introduction and use. At the time of delivery the maintenance schedule is set up with you right away, and clear agreements are made regarding which (periodic) maintenance activities will be carried out by Altrimex and which ones by your own people. In this way we proactively prevent interruptions and defects together and we keep the line in excellent condition.


The packaging lines have been developed with a view to being used for many years. The After Sales department will continue to be your full service partner during this period. If there are changes in the production process which cause your requirements of the machines to also change, Altrimex will search for an effective solution and adjustments, without forgetting possible extra training for your staff. We consider optimization to be a continuous process. By ensuring that your packaging line and control are always up-to-date we prevent stagnation, increase efficiency and lengthen the lifespan of the equipment. In other words, with Altrimex you get the most out of your investment.

Packaging line including a linear weigher


If your line has become out-dated and no longer optimum, but there is not yet sufficient impetus to purchase a new one, After Sales can take of revision. More drastic technical adjustment will be made on the mechanical level to give your line a ‘second life’.

Acute solutions

Although we do everything we can to prevent problems with your packaging equipment, sometimes acute problems occur anyway. In such cases, our technicians are ready to resolve the matter as quickly as possible. You can request service by completing the form or by contacting us by telephone.

Our after-sales department is also your point of contact for spare parts requests. It is good to know that we keep 80 per cent of all spare parts in stock. This allows us to deliver these to you quickly.